Register Today for Summer Fun!

Summer Fun 2017!

Girls Inc. of the Greater Capital Region is pleased to announce our summer program for 2017!  We welcome girls to join us in a variety of programs and activities geared to inspire all girls to be strong smart and bold.


Girls who are entering Kindergarten through 8th grade


Schenectady- a 4 week Summer Fun Program

Albany- a 6 week Summer Fun Program


Schenectady: Monday- Friday, June 26th- July 21st

Albany: Monday- Friday, July 10th- August 18th


Schenectady: 962 Albany Street, Schenectady, NY

Albany: 301 Washington Ave, Albany, NY

Cost: $115 per week or $210 for 2 weeks paid in advance. The discount does not apply to scholarships.


Stop by either site to pick up your registration packet or Click Schenectady Summer Fun or Albany Summer Fun for the registration packet! Completed paperwork and full payment for all sessions will be due by Thursday, June 15th. If payment has not been received by this date spaces will be forfeited to those on our waiting list. There are no refunds for withdrawal from the programs after Thursday, June 22nd.

Scholarships are available on a limited basis for our summer program. A copy of your most recent tax return must be submitted with the registration form if you are applying for a scholarship.

Payment Options: Camp MUST be paid prior to the start of each session: payment can be make in cash, check, money order, Visa or MasterCard.

Please feel free to contact us :


Summer Fun 2017 Sponsor!